English 5

Why I Like Poodles

Poodles are usually disliked for being petty or stuck up but were bred originally as retrievers like Labs.  The name “Poodle” comes from the German word “pudel” or ” to splash in water”.  While hunters shot ducks and geese into the water the Poodle would swim out and bring back the bird. Poodles are hypoallergenic dogs, meaning they shed a lot less than other dogs, making them one of the best choices for family’s with dog allergies.  Their curly coat does need moderate brushing to remove tangles and knots though. There are three different types of poodles Standard, Miniature, and Toy.  Standard poodles are the biggest of the poodles weighing 40 to 55 pounds and reach heights of around 22′ to 27′.  Miniature poodles are my favorite type because they, they weigh 12-18 and are around 12′-15′ tall.  The smallest is the toy poodle (Toy poodles are not great family dogs do to their petite size) only averaging 7′ – 10′ tall and weighing a tiny 5-9 pounds these dogs are some of the smallest dogs out there.  All types of poodle are very trainable and are eagle to please their owners.

Hopefully I changed your mind about these beautiful (and smart!) canines.

English 5 Typing

Why I Like Chihuahuas

Chihuahuas usually get a bad reputation for being empty-headed or violent, both are untrue.

There are so many myths about Chihuahuas, like them being unintelligent.  Most dogs are relatively smart, a smaller brain doesn’t mean less clever.  It varies from dog to dog.  For example in 2007 a 5 pound Chihuahua named Zoey saw a 3 foot rattlesnake lunge at a 1 year old child, she jumped in the way of the snake and got bit instead, incredibly she survived.

Chihuahuas, like other small dogs, can develop “Small Dog Syndrome” an attitude problem which is the result of spoiling a small dog.  This can be prevented by not excusing bad behavior.  A lot of Chihuahua parents spoil their Chis turning them into little tyrants, remember if it isn’t okay for a bigger dog to do it, it isn’t okay for any small dog to do it either.

Another reason Chihuahuas are disliked is because of bad breeding.  Pitbulls were bred to be aggressive for dogfighting giving them a bad name, Chihuahuas are bred incorrectly a lot of the time.  Either they don’t have proper medical care or the Chis aren’t socialized when they are puppies.  Backyard breeders and puppy mills are the top puppy producers,  pumping out dogs as cheaply as possible.  Dogs from puppy mills and backyard breeders likely have diseases and trust issues.

Most Chihuahuas do good with cats and older kids.  They don’t eat a lot of food which means you can save more money on dog chow than a bigger dog.  They may be small but they pack a giant personality for their size.  They attach to one person and are very loyal to that person.  Not a lot of exercise is needed to tucker-out a chi, so they make great apartment dogs.  Smaller sized means less shedding, compared to bigger dogs they produce less hair around the house than some larger dogs.

Thank you for reading my short essay about why I like Chihuahuas.  Comment which dog breed is your favorite and I might right an essay about that dog.


English 5 Typing

James Spratt

James Spratt was the first person to invent the dog biscuit, but it wasn’t shaped like a bone until almost 50 years later!

Dogs used to have to beg for scraps off of their owners plate, but that all changed in 1860 when James Spratt observed dogs gnawing hardtack (A stale biscuit that sailors used to eat on voyages).  That is when the idea of commercial dog food occurred to him.  The food was made of wheat meal, meat, beetroot, and other vegetables and was a square shape.  It was very expensive too, a 50 pound bag costed a day’s income for a professional craftsman

In 1907 Carleton Ellis had a request from a slaughter-house to use the waste milk that he had.  Then Ellis made a milk-based recipe, but his dog wasn’t impressed with the food until he baked it into the iconic bone shape.  After World War ΙΙ the dog’s main meal became the treat.  Now packed with calories and fat it makes for a treat once in a while.  Overfeeding treats has resulted in over half the dogs in America being overweight or obese.’s

English 5 Field Trip 5 Typing

A Trip to Horse Poop Beach

Today our Grandpa and Uncle Derrick went to a beach with us located on the Skyway bridge.  We hopped in our van, the Copacavana, and headed to the sandy destination.  Ella and I saw fish, squirmed in the sea weed, and played on a sandbar approximately 35 feet away from shore.  After 8 hours at the beach my family is extremely tired.

My favorite part was seeing a Gulf Flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma).  I almost caught it but I lost it after going up for a breath.

English 5 Field Trip 5

Fishing on the Pier

Yesterday we went fishing on the Skyway pier.  We didn’t catch a lot of fish but it was still fun.  My favorite part was when I caught a light brown pigfish.  It wasn’t big enough to keep so we tossed him back into the ocean, i’m sure he appreciated that!

English 5 Typing

Typing Log – 25 wpm – 6/11/18 – 33 wpm – 6/11/18 – 28 wpm – 6/11/18 – 27 wpm – 6/11/18

Average wpm equals 28.25 – 6/11/18 – 35 wpm – 6/12/18 – 34 wpm – 6/12/18 – 32 wpm – 6/12/18 – 31 wpm – 6/12/18

Average wpm equals 33 – 6/12/18 – 6/13/18 – for an hour – 6/14/18 – 6/15/18 – 6/15/18 – 6/19/18 – 6/20/18 – 6/20/18 – 6/22/18 – 6/27/18 -6/27/18 – 6/28/18 – 6/29/18 – 7/2/18 – 7/3/18 = 20 wpm – 7/5/18

Proper Finger Placement  – 7/6/18

Proper Finger Placement – 7/9/18

Proper Form – 7/10/18

Correct Form and Typing Test – 7/11/1 – 7/11/18

Average Wpm = 24,  Average Accuracy = 95% – 7/11/18 – 7/13/18

Wpm = 27 Accuracy = 95% – 7/13/18


6th grade – 25 wpm 96% accuracy – 7/24/18

26 wpm 99% accuracy – 7/26/18

28 wpm 97% accuracy – 7/30/18

27 wpm 97% accuracy adjusted = 26 – 7/31/18

30 Wpm, 99% Accuracy,  Adjusted = 30 – 8/4/18

32 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 31 – 8/6/18

28 Wpm, 96% Accuracy, Adjusted = 27 – 8/7/18

30 Wpm , 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 30 Wpm – 8/10/18

25 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 25 Wpm – 8/13/18

32 Wpm, 98% Accuracy, Adjusted = 31 Wpm – 8/14/18

29 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 29 Wpm – 8/22/18

30 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 30 Wpm – 8/23/19

34 Wpm, 98% Accuracy, Adjusted = 33 Wpm – 9/10/18

35 Wpm, 98% Accuracy, Adjusted = 34 Wpm – 9/11/18

34 wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 34 Wpm – 9/12/18

35 wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 35 Wpm – 9/13/18

37 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 37 Wpm – 9/14/18

37 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 37 Wpm – 9/24/18

35 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 35 Wpm – 9/29/18

38 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 38 Wpm – 10/1/18

34 Wpm, 96% Accuracy, Adjusted =33 Wpm – 10/2/18

40 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 39 Wpm – 10/3/18

45 wpm, 97% Accuracy, Adjusted = 44 Wpm – 10/4/18

44 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 43 Wpm – 10/5/18

45 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 45 Wpm – 10/9/18

44 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted = 44 Wpm – 10/10/18

46 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted  =  46 Wpm – 10/11/18

46 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 46 Wpm – 10/16/18

46 wpm, 100% Accuracy, adjusted = 46 Wpm – 10/17/18

46 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted  =  46 Wpm – 10/18/18

47 Wpm, 98% Accuracy, Adjusted  =  46 Wpm – 10/22/18

46 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted  =  46 Wpm – 10/23/18

46 Wpm, 100% Accuracy, Adjusted  =  46 Wpm – 10/24/18

46 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 46 Wpm – 10/25/18

41 Wpm, 88% Accuracy, Adjusted = 36 Wpm – 10/26/18

45 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 45 Wpm – 11/2/18

46 Wpm, 97% Accuracy, Adjusted = 45 Wpm – 11/4/18

46 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 46 Wpm – 11/8/18

47 Wpm, 98% Accuracy, Adjusted = 46 Wpm – 11/9/18

Alphabet typing for 10 minutes – 12/3/18

Alphabet typing for 10 minutes – 12/4/18

38 Wpm, 97% Accuracy, Adjusted = 37 – 12/5/18

42 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 42 – 12/6/18

41 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 41 – 12/8/18

41 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 40 – 12/13/18

42 Wpm, 97% Accuracy, Adjusted = 40 – 12/14/18

44 Wpm, 97% Accuracy, Adjusted = 43 – 12/20/18

46 Wpm, 99% Accuracy, Adjusted = 46 – 12/21/18


English 5 Field Trip 5 Science 5

Our Trip To Tampa Bay Watch

Today we went to a marine research center on the coast of Tampa Bay for a field trip.    They do cleanups and their goal is to maintain a healthy enviorment .  When we arrived at the research center we found ourselves in the presence of a large, black and white bus reaching a halt.  Just as we walked in the area with the touch tanks we saw a class of kids scramble out of the bus and race up the stairs.  I’m positive every kid stared at Ella and I once or twice.  They were probably thinking “What are they doing down there?” or “Are they homeschooled?”.  We decided to keep looking at all the fish in the pools. They had snook, tarpon, pinfish, flounder, and more.  We didn’t stick our hands in the water because we didn’t have an okay to do it.  After a while we walked around the area for a little while and went up a flight of stairs to find an information center.  The man at the counter told us how to volunteer and gave my parents an information pamphlet and card.  We left soon after, but the trip to The Tampa Bay Watch was very fun!  My favorite part was seeing all the fish in the giant man-made pools.


English 5 Field Trip 5

A Boat Ride to Beer Can Island

On the 20th of April, my family went to Beer Can Island for a few hours.  We were one of the first people there and finding a place to anchor my Dad’s 20 foot Cape Horn that he got a few months ago was a breeze.  The guy next to us had a rescue dog named Loki.  I would say he was mostly lab but a mix of other breeds.  We made a sand village, explored around the island, and played in the water.  Our mom brought a blow-up flamingo float which took forever to blow up, even with a machine.  While Ella was taking her turn to ride the flamingo I realized that if you look into the water you can see tiny crabs fighting underneath the surface.  My Mom, Dad, and I played Frisbee for a while before Ella was done and I could take my turn on the flamingo.  I got kind of bored so I hopped off, put on my life vest like a diaper, and bobbed in the water.   I swam out as far as I could, then I realized I couldn’t touch the ground and floated back to shore.  A lot of people started boating into the island, so our Dad decided it was time to head home.  We packed up our stuff and headed to the MacDill Marina.  Our Dad cleaned his boat, our Mom cleaned the saltwater off the car, and Me and Ella rinsed off all of the toys and lifejackets.  Then we parked the boat and called it a day so we could play with our friend.  I had a great time at the beach!



English 5 Field Trip 5 Typing

My Trip To The Pool

On the 26th of April my Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Ella, and I went to the Elks Lodge because my Grandpa had a membership.  My sister and I enjoyed the pool for a few hours and ate grilled cheese sandwiches.  We couldn’t spend too long there because we had to give Soxs his eye meds (He’s fighting a painful eye infection and needs antibiotics every four hours).  My Mom and Dad are considering getting a membership so everyone could enjoy the pool more often.

English 5 Typing

My Purrspective 3

  I slept in late today, as usual.  Sloppily I bounced into the kitchen for a drink, I felt parched.  I slurped up some refreshing cold water.  A few minutes after getting up I  realizied it was night, I snuck out to the screened-in porch and climbed up the cat tower.  I gazed, enjoying the soothing wind and saw another cat.  I recognized this feline from back when I escaped a few months ago.  His name has Cocoa, he was a royal black tom with snowy paws and a milky chest.  He was brave and fierce, that wild mouser was an idol to me and Soxs.  He dashed across the street with great swagger.  Panting, he stared intently at us with a sparkle in his old, knowledgable, eyes.  He looked at us with approval before sprinting into the area behind the fragrant wood pile.  He left a few moments later with a mouthful of lizards locked in his jaws.  I turned to Soxs and we both scampered into the garage.  We tag teamed a big, fat, juicy cricket to give to Grammy.  Telling by how fast she made Mommy 1 pick it up, she must have loved it!  Stuffed full of pride I sleepily waddled onto the futon, had a giant yawn, and hit the hay.  I felt Soxs snuggle up to keep me warm.  I dreamt of a cozy sunny morning with birds chirping and an earthy, sweet breeze coming from the ocean. Then in a moment of fear I jumped at the sound of lightning.  Soxs and I bolted for the door and trampled on each other.  Mommy 1 closed the door quietly while Grammy calmed us with her gentle hands and soothing voice.  I shook my head and un-fluffed myself.  I rolled into her arms and purred like a lawnmower.  Soxs glared at me with pure jealousy for I had beat him to Grammy’s loving.  It looked like smoke was steaming from his ears.  I turned away from him and towards her loving green eyes.  She put me down quickly and got ready for bed.  When she was done and opened the door I sprung onto the bed and waited for her to come, I cleaned myself in the time she was gone.  I cuddled her and wraped my tail around her arm.  I heard Sox snuggle around Grammys other arm but I was too tired to care.  Thank you for reading my Purrspective 3, and I hope I can get the fouth one in less time than this one, sometimes it’s hard to type with paws.